* A challenging, daily game that's sweeping the world called, “Versed” that tests your knowledge of verses in the Bible. A new artifact in focus will be added monthly. * New! An "Artifact in Focus" feature, found in the "Discover" section of the app, allows you to rotate, pan and zoom artifacts learn about interesting facts and backstories for each artifact. This app contains the following features:

Stay current with the Events Calendar, and purchase tickets for museum admission directly from the app. Or take one of our digital tours and explore the museum wherever you are. These updates are part of our Ignite Discovery campaign funding comprehensive. Make It has also moved upstairs into STEM Zone, which is still in progress but expected to be complete by November. When you’re not at the museum, the app keeps you connected! Use the “For You” section to receive social media posts about our artifacts, interesting Bible facts and stories, and museum events. Our newest exhibit, ArtSpace, is officially open on the second floor In addition to this new gallery, Buzz Alley and the Tower have reopened. 3 : 16 The museum documents the narrative, history, and impact of the Bible. The app also has a museum map on it and wayfinding technology to help you navigate the museum’s floors. The Museum of the Bible is a museum in Washington D.C., owned by Museum of the Bible, Inc., a non-profit organization established in 2010 by the Green family.
You can also access a series of itineraries that will take you to some of our most important artifacts and experiences to help you get the most out of your visit. This app is your guide to Museum of the Bible.ĭuring your visit to the museum, the app will serve as your guide, helping you learn about each floor’s exhibits and attractions, find dining options, and locate museum services. The museum has seven floors of exhibitions and attractions featuring more than a thousand artifacts, as well as educational programs and activities, special lectures, and guided tours for guests to enjoy. What You Can Expect to See: The Museum will feature treasures of NOBTS, including ancient Hebrew scrolls of the Old Testament, replicas and images of papyrus manuscripts of the New Testament, facsimiles of major Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, Latin manuscripts of the Bible, part of a real Gutenberg Bible from the 15th century, a large collection of English Bibles from the KJV onward, including a 3rd edition KJV from AD 1617, and archaeological artifacts from Israel.Museum of the Bible is the largest museum in the world dedicated to showing people the history, impact, and narratives of the Bible. Guided tours are available in English, Spanish, and Korean. Now he’s facing allegations of antiquities theft, cover-up, and fraud. Please contact us 48 hours before your expected arrival. A renowned scholar claimed that he discovered a first-century gospel fragment. Arrange a Tour: to request a guided tour, contact the Museum by e-mail, by phone 504.816.8555, or fill out the form below. Simply contact us two business days before your expected arrival (by Wednesday for Friday visits by Thursday for Monday visits). You may also schedule an appointment for a self-guided tour on Monday and Friday. Hours: The museum is open for self-guided tours Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 9:00 a.m. Location: Hardin Student Center Room 280, directly across from the elevator.

The museum will be opened for each visit and closed immediately after the visit so that the museum may be cleaned properly for the next group of visitors.

Ethics & Politics (Institute for Faith and the Public Square).Apologetics (Institute for Christian Apologetics).Devices and Platforms Supported: Android, iPhone / iPad. Museum of the Bible: Discover Mobile App Gallery & Screenshots. Church Planting (NAMB Church Planting Center) Museum of the Bible: Discover Views: 315.